Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Dang Hill...The Last Dang Time

So last Thursday I took my last test of all BYU-dom and walked for the last time down that dang hill. Ya know, I thought I was going to be sad for some reason, cause I loved my BYU time and the classes were a blast...but nope, no sadness here. Not even a bit, no tears shed. I was all smiles as I walked down those dang stairs on the way back to my car around 8 pm on Thursday. In fact, I was so elated on the way down that I had to stop and say a prayer and thank Heavenly Father that this was the last time I had to ascend this dangged slope...and of course for everything else He had done for me in college...but my heart was really into that first part. I was so excited that this was the last time I had to climb up the Dang Hill (A.K.A. Rape Hill or the stairs south of campus) and that I never had to do it again unless for some reason I decided to out of my own free choosing.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind going down the hill at all, its quite enjoyable actually...mainly because as you are walking down you are very keenly aware that if you taking steps in the downward direction that expressly means that you are not climbing the hill, which makes the walk so nice and enjoyable. But really, the hill is beautiful. It has hundreds of different kinds of trees, even a Giant Sequoia, and tons of flowers and all that. So it looks like a totally different place from Provo as you are coming DOWN the hill. As you walk up the hill, all you can see is the dang steps and reliaze that you are SO late to class and how you need to stop eating crap food and get in shape dang it! But the way down is quite beautiful, so beautiful in fact that you need to go get some Wendy's and a Slurpee to keep enjoying the moment...and the cycle continues...oh wait, no it doesn't! Thursday was it! Haaaaa!

Anyway, I loved BYU. I'm sure I'll still go up there and sneak into some religion classes and check out the freshman in the library or somethin (actually people watching in the library could be one of the best activities on the whole dang planet). And I'll still go to the football games as long as they don't suck...cause I'm a fairweather fan who wears a UNLV shirt to all the games anyway. It was all fun. But it's time to finally make some cash!!! Dang it.


Eliza said...

Congrats!! Take it from me....eventually you will be sad. NOT about the hill but about being in college. OR having the college life.

Someone should seriously put a 7-11 at the top of those stairs, both sets of stairs!! Or should I put a cart there with slurpee machines? Anyway, then the dread would go away and the walk down would be even more enjoyable.

-KJ said...

CONGRATS for having a new post! Hee hee! No really, yippee for being done with school!!! Now what? Ahh yes...reality! What the heck are we going to do to party? Besides Me-he-co? I am glad to hear you are alive and well. Sad I didn't get to see you on Sunday. We need to have everyone up here for dinner soon.

Cortney said...

Congratulations!!!! Ummm....yea thats all I know what to say for these kind of occasions.

Anonymous said...

Ryan- Congrats! So, what's next on the list for ya? Mary was telling me about your page. Are you boys still flipping houses? My husband and his dad flipped one this winter and it was nuts. A LOT OF WORK!

R. A. L. III. said...

Congrats Brotha!!! It's about time!!! lol

KABSorensen said...

Congrats!!! I hated that hill too, especially in the winter!! Scary!! So what are your next plans?

Ryan & Lauren Nelson said...

Haha, I feel like its my birthday!! I'm going to try to accomplish something that sounds hard weekly so I can get "congrats" every week. How vain and fun would that be?!

Ryan & Lauren Nelson said...

And as far as the "now whats"... I'm gunna do some real estate, mainly flip a few more houses...BUT, I have a sweet lil business I'm working on so that should be fun...

Lyd said...

Funness! Congrats on that bro! And you will be the first to graduate in the fam (pretty much) unless Eric does something.....hmmm. Anyway, I was thinking about a Slurpee as I was reading this and it didn't help that there was a pic of one right in front of my face! Then you brought it up. This fam is just amazing at how much we love our Slurpees.

And I love the new blue cup! Squishee from the Kwik-E-Mart! Amazing.

Alli Easley said...

HOLY! Dang, it took you long enough to post, geeeeez. CONGRATS CUZ!

About the hill, you should go down them like we used to do your basement.

Ryan & Lauren Nelson said...

I totally would but Bo peed on Buckin' Bronco so that idea is out. And for some reason concrete is less 'giving' than sweet retro 70's green semi-shag carpet...

Alli Easley said...

Haha, you said Bo. Sweet. Also, you're right on the concrete thing, I've felt first hand what it can do to a tailbone. Am I the only one who holds their breath and makes suffocating/squealing noises when they hit their butt on something hard? Man, I hate that.

Amanda said...

you're a nerd... but i love you and i'm proud of you :) fyi we have a blog now: thestrombergs.blogspot.com... come and read it so that i feel special, ok? lol. see you soon! xoxo

-KJ said...

Seriously, nothing about your adventures at the cabins? I know I have been bad, but jeez!

Lyd said...

Hey poop face, how about you write something about the houses that you just bought!

Eliza said...

yeah poop face!

Amanda said...

hey- remember when blogs were used to keep everyone up on how your life was going? are you dead?

Unknown said...

ur a cutie:)

Taylor said...

If you don't write in 5 days I will assume you make out with elephant's feet

Eliza said...


Ashley O said...

Um P.S. you lied about your text to me...what did it say? Oh that you would blog tonight? too bad that was LAST night! anywho...

i'm totally jealous that you are done. and i seriously need to get tickets to the games. i dont know what i'm gonna do about that one...hmmm what's life going to be like without BYU games with you?

let's enjoy a slurpee one day!

Lyd said...

I like how over a third of this posts comments are on how you need a new post! Didn't you get any texts!? Geeezzz!

Ashley O said...

i sure as heck fire know he got my awesome text!

Lyd said...

I'll be talking to him tomorrow!

Ashley O said...


Eliza said...

lyd...steal his password and we can have some fun changing his blog for him. I know this really cute paper we could use as a background. It has kittens on it.

-KJ said...

hahaha!! I know, I thought of that!

Brock Nelson said...

you whore faced maggot licking piece of crap, what's wrong with you? seriously, this whole "i'm gonna post a new blog" lie you tell everyone has gotta stop!