Monday, February 2, 2009

Knock Knocking the Arizona Cardinals' Coaching Staff

This is for the Arizona Cardinals' coaching staff in the first three quarters of the Super Bowl...

"Knock Knock..."

"Who's there?"

"Larry Fitzgerald..."

"Larry Fitzgerald who?"



Luckily you guys realized he was on your team in the 4th quarter where he scored two, count'em two, touchdowns and helped the Cards save face. Go Cards! Boo coaches.


Unknown said...

Haaaa, true true. Seeing that picture and watching his face as he ran reminds me of a song my dad used to sing to me that went like this....daniel boon was a very big man, yes a very big maaaaaaaaan, but the bear was bigger so he ran like a ...... through the woods. Okay so my dad only sang it once but i'll always remember it! and no i'm not racist, just enjoy a few racist jokes every now and then thats all.

Ryan & Lauren Nelson said...

Haaaa! I think I was in the truck when your dad sang that song. For I recalled it too, even to this day. Occasionally I'll hum it, especially when I watch MTV Cribs for some reason, or when I'm in a Church's Chicken. But I'm not racist either. Not a chance. Except for purple people. To hell with purple people! Unless they are which case, help them.

Busy Bee Lauren said...


Kelsey Stenquist said...

Hey Lauren! K you guys are seriously hilarious, I love reading your blog!

Ashley O said...


Ashley O said...

now i'm laughing so hard reading your comments on here boys. bahaha

-KJ said...

What? There was a game on? I was too busy cleaning up pee off your bathroom floor and keeping Oli out of your smelly soap.

Oh yeah, by the way, Olivia peed on your bathroom floor. Kthnxbye.

Jess said...
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Jess said...
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BJ and Alexis Gremillion said...

Hey I'm not sure if you're checking your blog anymore but I was just wondering if you guys were going to be in Arizona at all this summer. If you do come we should do something. Let me know! And are you guys going to Cali at all this summer?