Thursday, February 22, 2007

I must be a late bloomer I guess

Yeah yeah, it's about time that I get one of these blogs. I figure, I completely suck at journal writing and I love talking about myself, so hey, why the heck not. Two birds yo. Plus, reading everyone else's blogs makes me feel like I'm the last one from Vegas to finally give in and get one of these things...suckers. Not only that, but most of my friends are married so this gives me the opportunity on letting everyone know how much all ya'll are not missing out on when it comes to single livin. Single life is actually pretty good, probably alot like blogging...ya know, sittin alone tryin to think of cool things to say so that the people that hear you might just think you're awesome. Haaaaa. I'm just kiddin. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't need the confirmation from anyone for me to think I'm awesome. Oh man. In any case, it's good to start one of these things up. And maybe some of you will be inspired enough to set me up with one of your hot single friends so I can join the cool married club too, not only the cool blogging one! But until then, hopefully I can figure out how to post some entertaining things on this page and have some fun with it.


Tara said...

Hey Ryan! I think you are awesome. Welcome to the world of blogging.

-KJ said...

Like you said, menace to society. Ha! You don't need to be set up either, you just need to be nice to girls! Just kidding. I think the quote on the top of you site should be "to fall in love with one's self is the beginning of a life long romance." JUST KIDDING!!
That is from The Ideal Husband (which you would definately be). I love you bro!

Alli Easley said...


PS -

Oh. My. Hot. Girls. (Here in So Cal) Come visit, yo.

Lyd said...

Blogging is the eqivilent of me on Facebook!! I'm wondering if I should do a blog now, because Facebook is for my high school/college friends, so there is no way that family could look and see! I'll think about it.

Mandy said...

come on lydia. everybodys doing it!!

Eliza said...

I LOVE Slurpees too...have at least one a day...maybe that is why I can't see through my thighs like KJ can.

-KJ said...

You haven't seen me naked.

Mandy said...

Slurpees are what got me and Taylor together!

Taylor said...

Yep! We were smokin' weed and eating shrooms when the slurpee said to Mandy and Me, "Hey ya'll should get married." So we did. The End.

Lyd said...

Don't you worry Mandy, I'm actually making one right now! And all this Slurpee talk is making me sad because Idaho doesn't have a 7-11!!

Alli Easley said...

I'm going right now to 7-11. Man, you guys and your peer pressure. Shoosh.

Lyd said...

Jealous. All of you need to get an extra Slurpee and then drink it in my honor!

-KJ said...

Hey Lyd, would that be like pouring a 40 out on the sidewalk for you?

Ryan & Lauren Nelson said...

Exactly. Only, they should make a malt liquor slurpee for that.

Taylor said...

They could call it "Coldcock" slurpee. "Damn . . .you one malt liqua picka".

Taylor said...

coffee, tea, soda pop, pee!!!! Ha you're drinking pee!!! You are gross and nasty.

Ryan & Lauren Nelson said...

I could go for a nice cool 40 ounce Coldcock right now... The brainfreeze that gives is just like the feeling of a sweet drive by poppin caps in all them foos

-KJ said...

You need to get a Hawaiian Punch slurpee and add a 40 and you have a Hawaii 4-0. What? How do I know that? We aren't supposed to bring up past transgressions (I think I did that the night I snuck out when Liza was watching us when my parents were in Me-he-co)! Don't worry, I only do that on vacation now! I keed, I keed!

Eliza said...

When did I watch you while your parents were in Mexico?

Taylor said...

That is the most ghetto thing I have ever heard. You need to get the smackdown for the malt+hawaii=fun. Was Stacey N. behind that one? You should have just gotten drunk like the rest of the ghetto chids: Vanilla (pure mexican is reccomended), listerine (21% alcohol reccomended), robitussin, and add a one shrimp bouillon cube for that high class seafood taste. I never did that I was just trying to get more ghetto than Kissy.

-KJ said...

You were in college, and yes, Stacey took me to that party. I felt like I was stuck in the middle of a really bad after school special! How could it have been anything but ghetto? It was a Cheyenne High School party. Don't worry. That only happened on one occasion. Now I just stick to cough medicine like tay said! J/K!

Eliza said...

I seriously blocked that out for some strange reason.

-KJ said...

prolly cause you snuck out too after you thought we went to bed! I think you were in college and just came down to supervise.

Taylor said...

Yeah she snuck out to go smoke paper in the LeCar, and then burn holes into its interior.

Eliza said...

paper AND old lolly pop sticks.

-KJ said...

I loved sitting on the engine, or what ever that hump was, in that car.

-KJ said...

Oh wait, that was the silver bullet. I liked tearing up the ceiling in the Le car!

R. A. L. III. said...

SO whats the deal is Chad keeping the beach house????

-KJ said...

I thought his cousin was going to buy the lease from him?

R. A. L. III. said...

Well Chad called and said everyone was moving out and that we were heading up there to play. I still have my surfboard and kites at the house!!! I would like another summer of spending my weekends on the beach again!!

-KJ said...

I tried to rent that sucker from him for $1,000 for a week and he said OK, but people might be staying there. What a business man!!! Yea right. That is probably the only money he would have made on that place! Maybe I will try and stay there for free this time!

R. A. L. III. said...

Ha ha that’s so funny. And so true!!! I don't know how he does it just that he does! It’s a great place I think I spent the majority of the summer at that house!! 1/2 of the time was spent cleaning it so that I wouldn’t feel claustrophobic.