Kitchen Before
Kitchen After
Cabinets going up
After enough of house work, I finally decided I needed to get a job to get away from it. I began working at Red Mountain Endodontics in the beginning of June 2011. I have been there ever since and get to work with such amazing girls.
End of April we headed up to Utah for Raegan and Joey's graduation from BYU. I sure missed driving past my house and neighborhood up there! It was so much fun with everyone up there. We got to have a baby shower for my best friend/cousin Jenny while we were up there too! It was perfect.
Our new ward here has been great! We felt welcomed immediately and have made lots of friends. It has been so fun living close to both of our families here. So many fun things going on and to go to. I missed it. Ryan was put into the young men's as a Teachers quorum adviser and I was called to teach the 6 year olds in Primary. Good times as always.
This summer we did our annual trip to Carlsbad and it was amazing as usual! We also headed up to the Nelson Cabins at the end of July. We had such a great summer! Weird for me working though... Something I had to get used to after not for so long haha.
In early June, Ryan's sister Lydia left on her mission to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She is such an amazing missionary and we miss her tons. Crazy to think she already comes home in early December!! Time sure flies. Before Morgan and the girls started school in the fall we went camping for the weekend and it was so beautiful! I love love camping with my cousins and family. So much fun!
In October, Ryan turned 30!! Happy I still have 6 more years :) We had a fun birthday and went to Dave and Busters and played tons of games with our families. So so much fun! He is the best!
Soon Christmas was here and we got to have a super fun work party at Dr. Frost's with everyone. I won a TV in the gift exchange which is now sitting in our bedroom! So grateful to work with such great people. Christmas here was great as usual! Ryan always spoils me with so many amazing presents. I am the lamest shopper for him though so it is not very fair. My favorite gift were my new washer and dryer!! So great to not have to load up clothes to wash somewhere else!

We have had so many trials and experiences over the last year that have helped us to grow together so much. I have come to know that the Lord truly knows what is best for us even though we may not see it right now. I am so grateful for the lessons that I have learned.
Lets see how I keep up on blogging this year!! Hopefully more frequently so I do not have to write a book long blog each time!
wow you are amazing. I can not believe you guys did all that!!!!!!! my hero.
Thanks for the update :) I miss you.
So fun to read your blog--your house is awsome! Hope all is well with you!
Whew!! That is a lot of work!!! The house looks fantastic!
Hey Lauren! So I was totally blog stalking you, and oh my gosh you guys are amazing! Your house looks beautiful!
I found your blog off your facebook page and read your latest post. Totally had me laughing because I know EXACTLY what you were going through with your house. We just did the same type of thing this year (took 6 months!) with more than 18 tons of trash taken to the dump! It's still a work in progress for us even though we live here now. Our closet doors are still in there packaging in our garage, still to be painted. I love the before/after pics though! :-) That's what makes it all worth it. Anyway, congrats on the house!! If you ever need any help with your pool, let me know! We (aka, my husband, Dan :) have a pool business and Dan knows/does everything when it comes to them! :)
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