Ok, here's the thing... when I say BYU fans are idiots I'm not speaking of the average go-to-a-game-just-for-fun fan. I'm talking about those guys who swear that BYU is the University of Heaven and that anyone who plays against them must surely have made a deal with Mr. Satan. So I'm at this BYU basketball game the other night and I'm tryin to be supportive to the whole BYU cause, because I go there and I know some of the cougarettes who dance during the time-outs (sweet), but I can't help but realize how stupid the people were who were sitting around me. Don't get me wrong, I understand that fans at a game aren't always well behaved or even make sense half the time, I know, I'm stupid like that sometimes. But not like this... These guys had THE worst trash talking of all time, it just didn't make any sense. D-U-M dumb. Not only that, but they thought they were the wittiest people who ever lived. It was driving me nuts... Sure I had a UNLV shirt on in the middle of all those idiots, and sure my shirt said, "Real Mormons are Rebels" on the back, and sure, UNLV wasn't even playing that night, but come on. Telling me that I was an apostate who was sure to burn in hell and that Nephi would be disappointed in me is a little dumb. Alot dumb. And believe me, there were much gay-er things said.
Now I can understand fans saying some pretty nasty things to other people at say, the Thomas and Mack or any other arena that sells beer. They have an excuse for acting like retards... alcohol. But not at BYU. There isn't even caffeine in the beverages there. No excuse for how bad of fans they can be. Unless these idiots are gettin hopped up on Mountain Dew before the game, they have no defense.
Now that bein said, I like BYU. I love going to the football games and all the other stuff there too. I just wish people there could think before they speak. Man alive. There is only one team that people should truly be spiteful of, and that is, of course, Duke. Duke can go to hell. And that is not a rash remark, it is well thought out and can be backed up by anyone who is rational. BYU may not literally be the Lord's University, but Duke's greatest supporter is the devil. That's the truth. And by the way, I heard that the devil is a democrat, and so Duke is a liberal college. So there ya go, proof enough.
Anyway, I love the BYU athletic program. I love going to the games. And I especially love wearing red to those games whether or not UNLV is playing. I just wish the fans there could be a little more, um, tactful. Ah, who cares.
Velvety Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese
13 hours ago
So I take it you have been to Tay's site. You must be related!
I'm gonna agree with kj. Also I'm going to agree with Duke. I have College Basketball Tourettes, and I believe it was set off by watching UNLV/Duke games back in the day. Also, I have Christmas Tourettes every year, incase you're interested, which is not to be confused with Driving Tourettes, which I have every day between 5-7.
that should read:
Also I'm going to agree with YOU ABOUT Duke. Not agree with Duke. I never agree with Duke...not unless they're giving me a bazillion dollars...and in that case...we'll talk.
Ryan, that was the most thought-out and logical piece of writing I have ever read . . . and yes Duke can go to hell. Hello they are the Blue Devils. Of course thet are affiliated with Satan; and Blue . . .Blue State/Red State. Yes Satan is and Devil is a liberal institution. Go Rebels!!!
That's freakin' awesome. And I agree with everyone else! haha
Like I told Tay...Red Rebels EAT Blue Devils (Oh I can't believe I chanted that at the T&M while watching the semi final game (1991), on the big screen, between Puke and UNLV when they lost because it was fixed ;) ). Wow that was long.
All I know is that I miss those crazy Rebel parties us Nelsons' used to throw! It was like it was mandatory you wear red if you came, and all the wings you could eat. Yum.
I just wanted double digits on the comment thang! Haaaa. REEEEEEEBBBBEEELLLSSSSS!!!!
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