So I am writing something for the first time in a long time… Ryan has been pretty good about updating and he writes much funnier things than me so I think it is better that he does anyway. I just want to tell you that this has been one of the longest weeks EVER!! Ryan, Eric, and Paul left last Sunday to Arizona for some auctions and don’t come back until tomorrow! K that is a full 8 days… ha ha I know I am a baby, but I really really hate being here all alone! I have tried to keep busy, but it just feels like an eternity when I get home and am here by myself. Luckily Sue called me to go down to Vegas with her on Thursday so that was something fun to get me out of here. The weather was amazing and I wish we could have stayed longer! We went to Uncle Eric’s birthday party which was so fun , did a little shopping, and ate lots!! But here I am back alone again (in Utah!) on Sunday… lame. Plus I look outside and SNOW is covering everything again!! Ahh. I am the worst driver in snow!! I cannot wait until tomorrow when Ryan gets back!! Ha ha I feel like this is a big complaining blog, I am sorry! K now onto the TAG from Kjersten!
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:00
2. Have you brushed your hair yet today? Not yet
3. What is the name of the last song you listened to? I seriously don’t know
4. Do you like to text? Yep!
5. Facebook or My Space? Facebook for sure
6. Where is your favorite place to go? Carlsbad over 4th of July and up to the mountains
7. Do you have a passport? Yes
8. Are you in love? Of course!
9. Have you ever had a broken heart? Um… I think so, but it was fine
10. When was the last time you "laughed your head off"? Two days ago
11. When was the last time you cried? Last night
12. What is the best gift you have ever gotten? My husband
13. What was the best day of your life? My wedding day!
14. What was the worst day of your life? Probably somewhere during my junior year of high school
15. Pepsi or Coke? Neither, but I would take coke
16. Are you wearing socks? Yep, big, fluffy warm ones
17. Did you like high school? I guess so
18. Where is the last place you went out to eat? The Original Pancake House in Vegas
19. What is your biggest accomplishment in the past year? Getting married and closer to graduating
20. What is one random fact about you? I could eat cereal, of any kind, for every single meal of the day most days of the week. I LOVE it
I tag Brittany and Morgan
Cheesy Ground Beef and Rice Casserole
13 hours ago