Everyday is full of ridiculous things...especially in Happy Valley...Especially here. I found that some days need a little nudge to make sure that there is some active entertainment so as to not go crazy with boredom in Provo, hence the frog legs in the last post. So, for this little segment on The Late Blog, I decided to tell a story about Jesse and
I's little run in the fine men and women in blue of the Provo
PoPo Department.

To make a short story shorter, we went to
Wal-Mart and happened to walk by a sweet little 25 dollar paintball gun. Jesse had to buy it, and I had to laugh. The thing is, Boredom+Paintball=Bad Idea. Especially in
freakin Provo. So we drove by some friends' houses and shot up their windows... One group of particularly unhappy neighbors decided to chase us and since we were in a cousin's Audi, they didn't know who we were. So we wound through Provo neighborhoods (at the speed limit of course) and lost them a few times. In frustration, they called the police and the whole force showed up. We pulled over before they turned their lights and sirens on (because we are amazing citizens and believe in civic responsibility). We showed them the gun and they made us get out of the car and sit on the curb while the four cop cars and the 6 cops stood around, doing nothing. The main cop was way cool and said that everyone showed up cause they have absolutely
nothin to do. Then he called our neighbors who we
paintballed and told them we did it cause we thought they were fat and ugly. I was
havin a good time on that curb, no lie. So they let us off, which was a miracle cause if they would've found Jesse's loaded .40 under the seat that fool would've been screwed! He doesn't have the license for his piece yet... So as they were giving all our
ID's and stuff back, good
ol Tommy
Sorensen and our buddy Eric drove by and saw us in our predicament. Anyway, all we had to do was clean up their windows (which all the cops followed us over to the house to watch us do) and I decided that since we home teach them, that counted as our visit. Not bad, we got it done early in the month! Ridiculous.

I just had a run in with the head of the Physics Department at
BYU. He was guest-lecturing in our class and decided to bring up the idea of human-caused global warming, and defend it! Bad idea for him. I let him speak for a bit, then the gloves came off. I let him have it. He tried to defend his stance and asked what I knew about it, and so I unloaded the things and interviews I've studied, and stated
one report that contradicted the slide that he had up on the screen and backed it up with an
IPCC report I just read. I then asked him a few questions that he couldn't answer and then he stated that he really was just beginning to learn about global warming and had only read one book on the subject. He then thanked me for studying and said that's what his point was, to encourage us to find out and search for ourselves about the world around us. I bet. Ridiculous.
Now, there are many ridiculous items, too many to mention, especially in Utah. It would be impossible to name them all. Sometimes you just have to
appreciate the ones you can remember and watch the
O'Reilly Factor for the rest. I'll be honest, I don't watch that show too much cause
Sportcenter is on at the same time, but he's got the idea. Well, big gulps eh? See ya later.